Monday, August 20, 2007

Why I Wear a Kippah?

I decided that I should put the answer to this question in writing to mark where I have been these last few months, assuming that my reasons and thoughts behind it will evolve and change over the coming months. First, though, I want to point out that the kippot I wear have all been handmade by family members or bought from a non-profit whose purpose I support. I wear a kippah because it helps me stay humble and grounded. I always have something on the top of my head, both pushing me down towards humility and grounding but also to protect me from all that is out there around me. I do not wear it 24/7. I don't sleep in it or feel like I have to have it on while I'm home or even when I'm out and about. That's not what it's about. I wore my kippah today on my way to my haircut, and while waiting was asked by someone why I wear it? I have different answers to that question depending on a lot of factors, and today chose to say that I'm a Reform Jew and that within that movement a woman can wear a kippah the same as a man, either wearing it or not wearing it or doing something in between. And because I am a Reform Jew, I am not bound by commandments that have no meaning or bearing on my modern life, so I chose to leave the salon and walk home without wearing my kippah. I just got a great haircut! I've been really sick and this haircut made me feel better! I feel light and happy with my haircut, and dammit, I don't want to feel humble or grounded as I walk home. That's where I'm at today, and I fully anticipate that my reasons will probably be renegotiated this next year. May I always be flexible in deciding what I do or don't want to do. Stay tuned.

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