Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Shabbas Miracle

I don't really know if I believe in miracles or not -- probably depends on the day and situation. But I can't think of any other way to describe the luck I had Thursday evening. Rachel has been in Vermont for a conference, and she was supposed to be back early evening today. Unfortunately, she has been in traveling hell and did not make her flight last night from Newark and will get out today on the 4pm or 10pm. My plan has been -- and I will still be able to tomorrow -- surprise her with a great homecoming (can't give details in case she reads this from the airport). Part of it involves food, which she knows about, so I had made a very detailed and elaborate shipping list which also had a to-do list on it. I set out late afternoon Thursday for the first of two visits to the shuk that I had planned. I left the apartment with the list in my pocket, but once I got to the shuk it was nowhere to be found. I went through my pockets and bag several times, started to retrace my steps before realizing how pointless that was and was ready to have a breakdown when Rachel called on my cell phone. I collected myself, felt confident that I would remember things from the list if I just walked around and I resigned myself to the fact that I would have to go home and recreate the list so I could continue with my shopping. I did my round 1 of shopping and then headed home with my bags full of produce. It's a good 20 minute walk one way, and I was strolling down King George, listening to my iPod, when I suddenly remembered that I had lost the list and should be paying attention and looking for it. Literally 3 seconds later I looked down on the ground to my left and there that list was, laying exactly where it must have fallen when I took a bandanna out of my pocket to wipe sweat from my face. It was right in front of the Great Synagogue which really cracked me up. I was beyond excited and didn't try to hide it at all, much to the amusement of passersby. I went home and unloaded, marked things off the list and went back out to go to a regular market, gloating each time I was able to mark something off. I talked to my folks that evening and Dad said I have to write about it in my blog. So here it is, my Shabbas Miracle.

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