Thursday, September 6, 2007

Sour Cream Is 15% Fat Here...

and boy does it taste good!

I just saw a concrete truck that is called PutzMeister. What?!?!?

I was at the shuk today -- at Marzipan -- and ran a guy off! He was commenting on my tattoo and I asked him if he smokes and when he said yes I told him he was defiling his body more than I have mine via my tattoo. He left the store in a huff. And the guys behind the counter didn't throw me out, either. They wanted to talk to me in a mature way about why I wear a kippah. All was good, and I left with lots of cinnamon rolls and chocolate rugeluch. Too bad they are no longer a Shabbat treat like they originally were. If I'm anywhere near Marzipan I just sort of end up there involuntarily. We have taste tested many other bakeries and Marzipan is by far the best. The consistency of the pastries is a bit gooey which we love while other places are more hard and crunchy. Gooey good, crunchy bad.

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